Mezőtúri Közművelődési és Sport Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.
Zsolt Pusztai
ethnographer, cultural manager, potter
Since 2002, he has been working at the Túr Pottery Museum – since 2008 as the curator of the institution. His fields of research are traditional Hungarian folk pottery, architecture and interior design, Hungarian fishing customs, as well as undeclared employment and poachers. Curatorial work is an integral part of his duties, he has organized 80 independent exhibitions and 4 permanent exhibitions. He has participated in organizing more than 20 conferences. As a craftsman, he has been working with all ages, holding museum education lessons, presentations and lectures, and has participated in several adult education projects as a lecturer –pl. Crafts in Rural Development (Mezőtúr, 2014, 2015), Adult Training in Handicrafts (Subotica, Serbia several times between 2010- 2018). International experience: Exhibition organization in Austria, Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia. Local coordination work in connection with the Associations of Cities of Ceramics in Europe. Working with a number of foreign partners in cooperation with the Intangible Cultural Heritage Department.
Boglárka Kiss
ESL teacher, translator, interpreter, project manager
She participates regularly as a volunteer in the projects of the Túr Pottery Museum. She has translated several publications, scientific and educational articles, marketing material for the museum and interpreted at various events. She has been involved in the management and implementation of various national and EU funded projects (Europe for citizens Programme – town twinning projects, EEA Grants, AMIF, ISF and different national and EU co-funded projects – TIOP, TÁMOP, ÁROP).
Csaba Asztalos
collection manager
He has been working at the museum since 2014. In addition to collection management, he is mainly involved in creating exhibitions, participating in museum education events, editing the museum’s website and managing its content, as well as executing marketing duties. He is working with different age groups on a daily basis in the frames of the programmes provided by the museum. International experience: working with a number of foreign partners in cooperation with the Intangible Cultural Heritage Department.
Roots and wings
The jubilee exhibition of the Family History Association of Mezőtúr was opened on the 8 th of February. Besides family trees and a section featuring memories of soldiers of the First and Second World Wars, the exhibition showcases documents, photos and footages that provide insight into the work and mission of the 10-year-old association. Most members of the association are retirees; Ilona Ari, the head of the organization also began researching the history of her own family after retiring. When it was formed 10 years ago, the group was the first formally organized family history association in Hungary. Their work as community organizers and research organizers soon became exemplary, and today there are dozens of such associations across the country. At the forthcoming meeting of the association I will give a presentation on the “Our Treasure…” project, as we would like to present their work to both our Hungarian and foreign partners.
Zsolt Pusztai